primitive data and pointer don’t have default initilization, pointer is defualt deallocated but not deleted. Class object is initilized and deconstructor by default definition, and inherited object is initilized by base class default constructor and deconstructor.
Copy constructor
compiler first searches defined copy constructor, if don’t define conpy constructor, then uses its own default copy constructor.
All default copy is shallow copy.
pointer default copy is shallow copy, create a new pointer, then points the same reference address as the original pointer.
以下这些例子都只调用copy constructor,只有Money m调用构造函数。
Some copy examples:
1 2 3 4 5 6
intmain(){ Money m; // class default constructor Money n{m}; // create a new object "n", then call default copy constructor Money p = m; // same as above foo(p); // pass by value, this value is copied as same as above }
Fixed form of class object shallow copy constructor:
1 2 3
Money(const Money &m){ amount_ = m.amount }
caution: pass by reference, parameter must be const, same function name as constructor, but it’s a copy constructor。
shollow copy saves space, for example, pointer shollow copy is two pointers point to one reference address in heap. shollow copy is also safer than deep copy, because it doesn’t allocate extra room on heap which may be occupied to result in memory leak.
Assignment constructor
very similar as copy constructor, the only difference is that assigmnent copy is to the exsiting object.
caution: Must have return value, because p=m creates local container instance this, return this to lvalue. Must pass by reference.
Deep copy and Swap
Deep copy
Non-pointer memebers are copied over from the source(pass by reference), which means they are shollow copy because they don’t need deep copy
How pointer to do deep copy:
Deep copy for pinter of a class object:
delete this->ptr is to deallocate this->ptr, it then pointers nowhere. Because the size of the reference data this->ptr is not you finally want, such as the reference data is list or dynamic data varied in size.
toxic pointer: But this method has a potential problem. If memory of heap is not enough(as delete pointer is only to deallocate the pointer but the reference data is not deleted), then the function above will return Null or original pointer. If return original pointer, because the pointer’s memory has been free, it points nowhere, which is called toxic pointer.
new and delete key words are to allocate and free memory for pointer on stack, not about the reference data in heap.
static is set to let object have only coding run time life and immutable.
In order to solve the problem, swap solution shows up.
Deep copy with swap
swap solution for pointer of a class object:
Deep copy solution is to pass by reference, but swap solution is to pass by value. Because swap solution doesn’t allocate space for a pointer, so the pointer inside of the function will be deleted by compiler’s default deconstructor. The pointer’s explicit copy is on stack, which will be deleted after class function end. Referenced data is in heap.
Move constructor
default move constructor makes shallow copy for pointer
For move and move assignment, there is no need to do deep copy for preserving source data, because we don’t care source object and don’t use it any more. We only care about the copy so that we don’t delete the existing pointer. Because if we pass by lvalue, it must mess around the source object, instead of doing that, we pass rvalue. If we pass value instead of reference, it will cause extra call of copy constructor.
updated Rational code with adding 6 special member functions(SMF)
//my private implementation (representation) of a Rational number structPImpl{ int numerator_; int denominator_; };
//Adding final - make this class underivable (prevent it from being derived) //Because my Rational ADT is a Value ADT //(should be made immutable as much as possible) classRationalfinal{
public: //Constructors ///////////////////////// //default constructor //adding explicit has the following two effects: //1. Forces the compiler to use this specific constructor to type //cast //2. Forces client to always explicit type cast. implicit type //conversion is completely prohibited. explicitRational(int num = 0, int denom = 1)throw(constchar*); //Destrcutor ~Rational(); //Copy Ctor Rational(const Rational &r); //lvalue reference: & //Copy Assignment Rational& operator= (const Rational &r); //Move Ctor Rational(Rational &&r); //rvalue reference: && //Move Assignment Rational& operator= (Rational &&r); //rvalue reference: && //Accessors and Mutators (Getters and Setters) ///////////////////////// //Accessors //By setting these accessors const, all the involved data members //in the function will remain read-only intgetNumerator()const; intgetDenominator()const; //Mutators - deprecated because Value ADTs are supposed to be ///immutable!!! //DO NOT SET const for function //void setNumerator(const int num); //void setDenominator(const int denom) throw (const char*); //IO stream nonmember function (friended) /////////////////////////////////////////// //Enables operator>> to have access to the private data members friend istream& operator>> (istream&, Rational&); private: //Data members (fields / attributes) ////////////////////////////////////// //Exposed Implementation - Probably not a good practice... //int numerator_; //int denominator_; //Deploy PImpl PImpl* rat_; void _reduce(); };
//Arithmetic operator prototype (overloaded) //defined as NON-MEMBER functions Rational operator+ (Rational a, Rational b); // a + b = result (Rational) Rational operator- (Rational a, Rational b); Rational operator* (Rational a, Rational b); Rational operator/ (Rational a, Rational b);
//Boolean (Logic) Operator prototype (overloaded) booloperator== (Rational a, Rational b); // is a == b? T/F
//Outstream operator prototype - I forgot to add it in Week 1 demo ostream& operator<< (ostream& sout, const Rational& r);
Rational::Rational(int num, int denom) throw (constchar*){
cout << "constructor called." << endl;
rat_ = new PImpl;
if(denom == 0){ //ILLEGAL!!! throw"Denominator is not supposed to be zero!!"; return; //this line is not needed (won't be executed anyways) //only here for readability. }
//no copy-swap delete rat_; rat_ = new PImpl; //redundant for this ADT, but generally done for more complex //ADTs with dynamic data members. rat_->numerator_ = r.rat_->numerator_; rat_->denominator_ = r.rat_->denominator_; return *this; //return the local container instance } //Move Ctor vv COPY Rational::Rational(Rational &&r){ //rvalue reference: &&
cout << "Move Ctor Called" << endl;
//copy-swap rat_ = new PImpl; //SWAP PImpl *temp = this->rat_; //auto-generated ptr member this->rat_ = r.rat_; //redirecting the local container ptr member reference to //the source reference data structure on the heap. r.rat_ = temp; //have the auto-generated ptr member stored into the source //r is removed (popped) from stack, r.rat_ is now deleted. } //Move Assignment vv COPY Rational& Rational::operator= (Rational &&r){ //rvalue reference: &&
cout << "Move Assignment Called" << endl;
//SWAP PImpl *temp = this->rat_; //auto-generated ptr member this->rat_ = r.rat_; //redirecting the local container ptr member reference to //the source reference data structure on the heap. r.rat_ = temp; //have the auto-generated ptr member stored into the source return *this; //r is removed (popped) from stack, r.rat_ is now deleted. }
//Private helper function for reducing the fraction void Rational::_reduce(){ int gcd = 1; //find the GCD of the num and denom for(int i = 1; (i <= rat_->numerator_) && (i <= rat_->denominator_); i++){ if((rat_->numerator_ % i == 0) && (rat_->denominator_ % i == 0)){ gcd = i; } } rat_->numerator_ /= gcd; rat_->denominator_ /= gcd; }
//Mutators are deprecated to ensure immutability of Rational ADT /* void Rational::setNumerator(const int num){ numerator_ = num; _reduce(); } void Rational::setDenominator(const int denom) throw (const char*){ if(denom == 0){ //ILLEGAL!!! throw "Denominator is not supposed to be zero!!"; return; } denominator_ = denom; _reduce(); } */
//add const to the input params makes them read-only to the implementation //it makes sense to keep input param const and PbV only for these arithmetic ops. Rational operator+ (const Rational a, const Rational b){ Rational result = Rational(a.getNumerator() * b.getDenominator() + b.getNumerator() * a.getDenominator(), a.getDenominator() * b.getDenominator()); return result; }
Rational operator* (const Rational a, const Rational b){ Rational result = Rational(a.getNumerator() * b.getNumerator(), a.getDenominator() * b.getDenominator()); return result; }
Rational operator/ (const Rational a, const Rational b){ Rational result = Rational(a.getNumerator() * b.getDenominator(), a.getDenominator() * b.getNumerator()); return result; }
booloperator== (const Rational a, const Rational b){ int numA, numB; numA = a.getNumerator() * b.getDenominator(); numB = b.getNumerator() * a.getDenominator(); if(numA == numB) returntrue; elsereturnfalse; }
//IO Streamer (cin / cout) ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ostream& operator<< (ostream& sout, const Rational& r){ //1. Grabbing the reference to the output stream buffer //2. Attach the output strings to the buffer based on my likings sout << r.getNumerator() << "/" << r.getDenominator(); //3. Return the reference of the modified output stream buffer return sout; }
//Only friended non-member function that can mutate the Rational ADT //Maybe...we should only allow istream to mutate the Rational ADT ONCE
istream& operator>> (istream& sin, Rational& r){
//This implementation is poorly done (on purpose) //We will come back in Module 7 and use some helpful tools to fix this function.
//1. Grabbing the reference to the input stream buffer //2. Acquire the num and the denom from the input and save it to r char slash; sin >> r.rat_->numerator_ >> slash >> r.rat_->denominator_; //Check legal value for denominator. Maybe should throw exception. //Cannot access private helper function. Therefore, think about //other ways to reduce the fraction! How? //by the end of the operator function, slash is deleted from the stack //3. Return the reference of the modified input stream buffer returnsin; }
//Invoking copy constructor for PbV via stack voidfoo(Rational g){ return; }
//Invoking copy ctor, then move ctor / move assignment upon return Rational foo2(Rational q){ return q; }
intmain(int argc, char** argv){
Rational a; //constructor called cout << "First Fraction (a/b): "; cin >> a; cout << "Test Start: " << endl ; cout << endl << "Copy Constructor: " << endl; cout << "===================" << endl; Rational b{a}; Rational c = a; foo(c); cout << endl << "Copy Assignment: " << endl; cout << "===================" << endl; b = c; cout << endl << "Move Constructor: " << endl; cout << "===================" << endl; Rational d = foo2(c); //complex action: it will invoke more than one SMF cout << endl << "Move Assignment: " << endl; cout << "===================" << endl; b = foo2(c); //complex action: it will invoke more than one SMF }
test output result:
Reference material: Book: Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Bruce Eckel. Lectures: University of Waterloo, CS 247 (Software Abstraction and Specificati), 2020 spring term, professor Scott Chen.
Author:Run Zeng
Slogan:Be my own hero. Never never never give up...